[White cat with blue eyes sitting on sewing supplies.]

When did it become Hallowe'en again and last year's costumes still aren't done

[There is nothing whatsoever about the huge amount of time between this post and the last post, nope.]

OKAY so Hallowe'en 2019 was yesterday and naturally neither of us finished the costumes we were planning on having done for this year.

Or last year.

1) Any project is always 934739% more time and energy consuming than expected. #handsewing #wtf are these costume designers THINKING

2) Life happens

2.5) Procrastination and distraction


Regarding #3, our personal favorite for de-stink-ification is SCOE10X. https://www.scoe10x.com/ (We are not compensated for mention of this product.)

Of course when a lot of the pieces that got peed on were never intended to be washed in the first place this gets weird so doing test washes with scraps of the same material is probably the best idea.

The youngest sibling naturally commented that the stink just makes the costume more accurate to the time period, but they don't have to wear it.

The costumes are still cool, we're still cool, de-stinking will eventually happen after x amount of soaks...

If pee exists outside of designated pee areas, place objects that are not designated pee places inside monster proof containers.

Also, this blog is now officially a #Nanowrimo2019 https://www.nanowrimo.org/ project so let the daily wordvomit begin.


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